This website is the property of Magnus Business Gifts, Leuvensesteenweg 248B, 1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium, The website has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, it is possible that the information included is incomplete, outdated or incorrect. Magnus Business Gifts nv cannot be held responsible for damages, direct or indirect, arising out of access to or use of this website, from the impossibility to use the website or from any errors on the site. The Magnus Business Gifts nv website also provides access to information from third parties. Magnus Business Gifts declines all liability for damages resulting from the access to or the contents of this information. Magnus Business Gifts nv may change information at any time without prior notice. The information on this website does not offer the slightest form of warranty – express or implied – including but not limited to the implicit sales guarantee, usefulness or conformity.

Magnus Business Gifts nv respects the privacy of the users of this website and ensures that personal information is treated confidentially. The use of personal data collected through this website is in accordance with the provisions of the Belgian law of 8 December 1992 on the protection of privacy, and with the European Directive 95/46 EC. By using this website, you accept that Magnus Business Gifts nv can use the acquired personal data. Magnus Business Gifts nv will not transfer your details to third parties. You have the right to view your data and, if necessary, to correct them. Further information can be obtained from Magnus Business Gifts, Leuvensesteenweg 248B, 1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium.